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Youth Protection Training (YPT) is recommended for every adult in the troop. It is required that at least one adult at a scout gathering or outing be YPT trained. Refer to BSA Youth Protection for more information and to begin taking the online training.
Weather Hazard Training is also required for at least one adult for all outings. It can be completed online. Refer to BSA Hazardous Weather Training for more information and to begin taking the course.
The Rancho Mesa District and San Diego-Imperial Council websites list many other valuable training opportunities.
When you have completed YPT or other training, please inform our Database Manager, so she can record this in our database.
Consists of official khaki uniform shirt with appropriate insignia and patches, troop neckerchief and slide, scout socks, scout pants or shorts, scout belt, and merit badge sash.
Click on the following link for more information:
Red troop T-shirt with scout pants or shorts.
Troop 616 maintains a uniform bank of gently used uniform pieces that troop members are welcome to take. These items typically include red cotton Class B Troop 616 T-shirts, official scout pants and shorts and some socks. If you would like to look for items in the bank, or donate items to the bank, please see the Uniform Bank Coordinator.
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
These items are special-ordered on a prepaid basis approximately once per year. They are optional. The troop has to meet a minimum quantity to place an order.